Socrate in love



Our proposal

The world today constantly demands to evolve, to change, to adjust and to question !


The most virtuous of companies have been able to stand up to these challenges by reinventing the enhancements of skills of their collaborators and by developing that special quality that is sought after and appreciated in the work environment: adaptability.


We offer to make it your means to promote your meaning, your commitment and your actions so that your Directors, Managers, Collaborators gain in performance and well-being.


Today, the challenge of all enterprises is to demonstrate the ability to adapt and reinvent their mode of functioning in compliance with societal evolutions. 

For Socrate in Love, its structure is comparable to a living being made up of 3 main components that interact with each other :

The Head

It is the organisation that defines its DNA, with the challenge of bringing in specialisation, added-value and meaning in its choice of positioning in the areas of activity that have become highly competitive.

The Heart

It is the human, necessary resource for making the sense of vision of the company evolve. The main challenge is to use its competencies, to know how to update them, to acquire new ones in order to be able to bring in answers adapted to the situations encountered and to transform the organisation into one that is lively, instructive and innovative.

The Body

It is the strategy of marketing and commercial actions based on the approach of a sustainable “win-win’ partnership to bring about a change and an abundance of opportunities to be seized.

"Revealer of value, accelerator of success and driver of business growth"

Our company references

Our college & university references

To learn how to know yourself and to orient yourself in the right direction, towards the Inspirer meant for you.